Feedback and complaints
Feedback and Complaints
Sometimes we don’t get it right and if this happens please let us know.
We welcome your feedback as it helps us improve the way we do things. We will do our best to resolve your complaint as quickly and as fairly as possible.
There are lots of different ways you can share your feedback:
- In Person - Pop into one of our branches
- By Phone - Contact our Call Centre
- By Mail - Write to us at: Risk and Compliance Manager, First Credit Union, P.O Box 585, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton
- By Email - Send an email to us at
Please provide as much information as you can and don't forget to include how we can contact you, so we can resolve this in the best way possible.
Our staff will do their best to help resolve your issue immediately, however if they are unable to assist they will refer you to a manager. The manager will try to resolve the matter within 5 working days.
Still not satisfied?
If we have been unable to resolve your complaint and you wish to pursue it further you can contact our dispute resolution provider, Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL).
FSCL is an independent dispute resolution scheme that is free of charge to our members. For more information about FSCL, you can visit their website.
If your complaint is within FSCL’s jurisdiction they will work with you and First Credit Union to come to a solution.
Call: 0800 347 257
Write to them at:
PO Box 5967
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145