Rates and Fees

  • First Credit Union does not charge account fees.

    Interest Rates


    Everyday Account- Credit balance

    0.05% p.a.

    Everyday Account- Overdraft balance*

    20.00% p.a.

    Special Purpose Account

    0.05% p.a.

    Bill Payment Account

    0.05% p.a.

    Travel Account

    0.75% p.a.

    Expense Account

    0.05% p.a.

    Loan Provider Account

    1.50% p.a.

    Christmas Club Account

    0.75% p.a.

    Online Savings Account

    1.50% p.a

    Money Maker Account (Tiered)


    $0 - $4,999

    2.25% p.a.

    $5,000 - $99,999.99

    2.50% p.a.

    $100,000 - $249,999.99

    2.75% p.a.


    3.00% p.a.

    Jimmy Jumper Account

    2.00% p.a.

    Teen Account

    2.00% p.a.

    Youth Account

    2.00% p.a.

    *An overdraft is a loan provided by First Credit Union to pay for bills and other expenses when the account reaches zero. For a fee First Credit Union provides a loan to the member in the event of an unexpected charge or insufficient account balance.


    Account Fees


    All deposits (direct credit, automatic payment, or cash)




    Cash withdrawal at the counter



    Automatic payments, Direct Debits, Bill Payments


    Per transaction


    To set up an automatic payment, direct debit or bill payment




    To any other First Credit Union account


    To any bank account in NZ


    Service Fees

    Account management or monthly base fee


    Phone/Internet Banking access (per month)


    Overdraft management fee (per month)


    Cash handling fee


    Disputed transaction


    Note: Fees are charged at the end of each day.

  • Our normal floating rates range from 10.95% p.a variable to a maximum of 18.00% p.a variable. Your interest rate depends on the amount borrowed, your personal circumstances and credit history. The interest rate and repayment amount remain the same for the life of the loan with no early repayment fee.

    First Credit Union does not charge any application fees, however, third-party service fees may apply. 


    Third-party Fees

    Credit Check


    Credit Sense


    Motor Check




    Docusign (Remote signing) 





    Note: If we charge you any of the above fees or costs, we will add that amount to the principal amount of your loan. That means we will charge interest on that amount until you pay it.

  •     Term


    3 Months

    4.25% p.a

    6 Months

    4.50% p.a.

    9 Months

    4.45% p.a.

    12 Months

    4.35% p.a.

    18 Months

    4.25% p.a.

    24 Months

    4.25% p.a.

    Minimum deposit of $500. Interest rates are quoted per annum and are subject to change without notice.

    Early withdrawal - If First Credit Union believes you have suffered real financial hardship, it has the discretion to allow you to withdraw your term account investment early. In these circumstances the interest rate may be adjusted to the nearest shortest-term deposit period prior to your early repayment request and/or an early withdrawal fee of 1% p.a. may be charged.

    After a longer term for your deposit? Give us a call or visit your nearest branch.

  • Card Fees

    Replacement card fee* $13 per card
    Admin Fee $5 six monthly


    Transaction Fees (per transaction)

    Cash withdrawal Bank ATM $2.25
    Cash withdrawal / enquiries- Youth and Teen Account $0.50
    Enquiries and declines Bank ATM $2



    Eftpos charges, including contactless technology**



    International Transactions (including online purchases)

    ATM (per transaction)*** $9.00****
    Eftpos transactions including contactless $0.80

    Foreign currency fee (of the NZ amount)


    Disputed transaction $50

    *Issue fee of $13 waived for first Mastercard® Debit Card 

    **Some merchants may apply a charge for using contactless technology or for internet transactions; it is a merchant responsibility to notify you of any additional charges at the time of sale. These are usually added to purchase price.

    ***Some ATMs may also apply a surcharge to withdrawals from their ATMs. This should be drawn to your attention before you proceed with your transaction. This surcharge amount will be added to your withdrawal amount, converted to New Zealand dollars (if required) and debited to your account with your withdrawal.

    ****Includes settlement and ATM interchange fees.



    7.19% p.a



    1 Year Fixed

     2 Year Fixed


    (Less than 80% LVR)

    5.49% p.a

    5.39% p.a


    (Greater than 80% LVR)

    5.99% p.a

    5.69% p.a


    First Credit Union does not charge any application fees on our Home Loans.

    Lending criteria apply.

  • Credit Bureau Lodgement $25.00
    Arrears Letter $10.00
    Notice of arrears letter $20.00
    Direct / Instalment Debit Dishonour fee $10.00
    Pre-possession notice fee $30.00
    Repossession fee $50.00
    Post possession notice $25.00
    Statement after sale fee notice $25.00
    Final notice fee $20.00
    Demand Notice fee $50.00
    Property Law Act Notice $150.00
    Council rate fee $25.00

    Fees and Costs 

    If we charge you any of the above fees or costs, we will add that amount to the Loan principal. This means you will be charged interest on these.

    Recovery Costs

    We will charge you any third party costs relating to your Loan agreement (e.g. repossession agent, field visit agent, and legal provider). We can provide copies of the invoices on request.

  • The following fees may be charged

    Alter an existing automatic payment $5.00
    Automatic Payment- per cancellation $3.00
    Dishonoured direct debit (inward and outward) $10.00
    Direct Credit Recovery $50.00
    Dormant account fee (per year)* $30.00
    Overdraft (Unarranged) $10.00
    Statement request $2.00
    Transaction search fee (per hour) $25.00
    Loan Provider early withdrawal fee $20.00
    S8 Online Savings Account- staff assisted withdrawals or transfers (one free transaction per month)


    S10 Money Maker Account- staff assisted withdrawals or transfers (one free transaction per month)


     *Dormant Account Fee is fully refundable

  • Click here to view the full list of Rates and Fees for Credit Union Auckland members.