Rotorua Branch Update
We’re excited to announce that we are giving your Rotorua branch a make over!
When NZCU Rotorua transferred to First Credit Union in 2014, we inherited the building that currently houses the Rotorua branch. Over the years we have come to realise that this space is too big for First Credit Union alone.
As such, we have decided to rent out 2/3 of the branch and we will occupy the front 1/3. In preparation for this, Mel and the Rotorua team will be moving to a “temporary” branch which is towards the back of the building.
Please note: The entrance to our branch from 01 April will be via the side door, which is to the left of the ATM.
The new branch design is fresh and modern, that will be enjoyed by members and staff alike. See DRAFT image below.
To allow our contractors adequate time to prepare the temporary branch, the Rotorua branch is CLOSED on Friday 28th and Monday 31st March.
If you require assistance with your account during this time, please give our team a call on 07 348 1631.
The branch is going to be louder than usual as work goes on in the background, we appreciate you patience during this time.